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SEARCH Award Winner Hall of Fame

Welcome to the SEARCH – National Telehealth Research Symposium Award Winner Hall of Fame! Congratulations to all previous winners of the People’s Choice and Judges’ Awards.

  • People’s Choice Award – This prize is awarded for exceptional poster abstract presentation of connected health research.
  • Judges’ Award – This prize is awarded for exceptional oral abstract presentation of connected health research.
  • Reviewers’ Award – Introduced in 2022, this prize is awarded as special recognition for the abstract receiving the highest scores during the review process.




Stephanie Punt, PhD – University of California Los Angeles
A.67 | Addressing Barriers to Social Determinants of Health: Using Telehealth to Facilitate Connections

Jennifer Morelli, MPS, RN – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A.28 | Eye Tracking and Usability Metrics during Admissions and Discharge Encounters Among Virtual Nurses

Briana Petty, MSN, RN – University of Mississippi Medical Center
A.2 | Implementation of a Virtual Nursing Program to Address Nurse Burnout in an Adult Med/Surg Unit

Emily Johnson, PhD – Medical University of South Carolina
A.78 | Comparison of TDABC-Estimated Visit Cost for Telehealth with Centralized Support vs. In-Person Visits

Nicholas Mohr, MD MS – University of Iowa Healthcare
A.30 | Provider-to-Provider Sepsis Telehealth Use in Rural Emergency Departments in Medicare Beneficiaries

Jillian Harvey, MD – Medical University of South Carolina
Differences in Telehealth Utilization by State and Type of Parity Law

Michele “Chrissy” Kuahine, MIS – Waianae Comprehensive Health Center/Foresight Health Solutions
A hybrid model (In person followed by Telehealth visit) of ambulatory care leads to improved outcome

Ruchi Kaushik, MD, MEd, MPH – Imagine Pediatrics
Virtual-first Comprehensive Care for Children with Medical Complexity Under Population-based Payment



Rebecca Jones, MPH – University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
A.24 | Use of Cellular-Enabled Remote Patient Monitoring Device for Hypertension Management in Pregnant Women: A Feasibility Study

Mitchell Blount, MPH – Morehouse School of Medicine
A.33 | COVID-19 Compelled Rapid Adoption and Use of Telehealth by Primary Care Clinicians in Southeastern U.S. States

Sristi Sharma, M.D., M.P.H. – University of California, Davis
Environmental Impact of Statewide University Telehealth Use for Ambulatory Services During COVID-19 Pandemic

Anna Sibilia, MD – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Reductions in ED visits and inpatient stays in complex care pediatrics after a year with remote exam device

Carly Brown, PharmD – University of Mississippi Medical Center
L.14 – “Using an Evidence-Based Treatment Protocol for Hypertension Management via Telehealth: Exploring Patterns of Protocol Deviation”

1st Place: Katherine Rominger, RDN – University of California, Davis
A.12 – “Implementing Telehealth and Image Exchange to Create a Virtual Pediatric Trauma Center”

2nd Place: Mary Dooley, PhD – Medical University of South Carolina
A.17 – “A modification of time-driven activity-based costing for comparing cost of telehealth and in-person visits”

Tanya Cahill, MD Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Kevin Sexton, MD, UAMS Institute for Digital Health & Innovation

2nd & 3rd Place Tie:

  • Yi-Shan Sung, UAMS Presentation
  • Tim Lovell, Intermountain Healthcare